
Certification Eligibility:

The WVARR certification process is designed for recovery residence program operators who are currently operating recovery housing programs in WV. All recovery residences and levels of recovery housing operated by applicant organizations must be reported and reviewed for the organization to become certified.

The certification process is for residences and facilities that meet the definition of recovery residences. According to state law, ‘”Recovery residence” means a single-family, drug-free, and alcohol-free residential dwelling unit, or other form of group housing, that is offered or advertised by any person or entity as a residence that provides a drug-free and alcohol-free living environment for the purposes of promoting sustained, long-term recovery from substance use disorder.”

Key elements of recovery residences include:

  • Illicit drug and alcohol-free living environment;
  • Peer support and recovery support services;
  • Offered or advertised as promoting sustained long-term recovery from Substance Use Disorder (SUD);
  • The minimum qualification for admission is a Substance Use Disorder (or Alcohol Use Disorder, Poly-Substance Use, Opioid Use Disorder, etc.).
  • All residents of the home have Substance Use Disorder(s);
  • Non-clinical (except level 4s), although residents are encouraged to receive behavioral health services from clinical providers off-site or through Telehealth.
  • Non-billable: recovery housing is not considered a billable service through insurance providers.

*Organizations should be open and operating for 60 days at 60% capacity prior to applying for certification. However, some new residences may be eligible for a provisional certification without meeting these capacity requirements. Please contact our staff for more information at info@wvarr.org*

*Before beginning this process, please take time to read through the WVARR 2021 Certification Preparation Packet in its entirety. Everything you need to know about applying for certification (including the information provided below and all relevant timeframes) is outlined in this packet.*

Click here to read the WVARR 2021 Certification Preparation Packet.

The steps below provide an outline of the WVARR certification process:

Begin with the Pre-Application Phase:

Step 1: Read the National Quality Standards and NARR Code of Ethics

The first step is to become familiar with the NARR Quality Standards (3.0 version) as well as the NARR Code of Ethics. The certification application process is designed to verify that your organization meets these minimum quality requirements. Everyone associated with your organization (including volunteers) is expected to adhere to the NARR Code of Ethics.

Step 2: Complete the Levels Quiz on the WVARR website wvarr.org for each dwelling

After you have become familiar with the  NARR Quality Standards and the NARR Code of Ethics and have read through all of the steps outlined in this packet, the next step is to determine what level of recovery housing you operate. Your recovery residence level is based on what level of recovery support you offer, what type of staffing and/or oversight your residence has, and if you offer any formal clinical programming.

Click here to take a quick survey to find out what NARR Level best fits your recovery residence.

(Please note: This Levels Survey is for informational purposes only. Your NARR level for certification will be officially determined by WVARR staff through the certification process.)

Step 3: Complete “Recovery Residences Preliminary Information” step in the WVARR Certemy software

Create a new professional profile on WVARR’s Certemy Certification Platform. Your application must be submitted online through Certemy. You will be required to create an account in order to complete an application.

First, complete the “Recovery Residences Preliminary Information” requirement with information (Address/County/Bed Count/Bathroom Count) on all dwellings (each separate address) operated by your organization, including all levels of care. This information will prepare WVARR staff for your organization’s required Pre- Application Call.

Step 4: Sign Assurances

Next, review, sign, and upload the WVARR Assurances document in Certemy. This document needs to be signed by the person in your organization who is authorized to sign agreements and documents.

This document clarifies that the WVARR is reviewing your organization’s recovery environment. It is your responsibility as an organization to ensure that you comply with all local, state, and federal laws and codes, including building codes and fire codes, of your municipality. It is also your responsibility to ensure that your organization carries appropriate liability insurance for your operation.

When you sign this Assurances document, you are attesting that you have contacted the appropriate entities, have completed all appropriate inspections, that you are registered appropriately, and that you are currently following all business, fiscal, and reporting policies as required by the law and your organization.

Submitting the signed Assurances prior to engaging in any of these activities will be considered submitting false information and a violation of the NARR Code of Ethics.

Click here to view to WVARR Assurances document.

Step 5: Sign WVARR Certification and Compliance Agreement

The 2021 WVARR Certification Agreement outlines the NARR Core Principles and addresses other issues, including grievances, incident reporting, and data sharing. It also denotes that you have read and understand each domain of the NARR Standards: Administrative and Operational, Physical Environment, Recovery Supports, and Good Neighbor domains. Your signature is attesting that you are implementing these minimum quality standards in your program. (This short summary is for reference only and does not in any way replace thoroughly reading the full document of the WVARR Certification and Compliance Agreement.)

Step 6: Pre-Application Call

Once you have completed the above steps and submitted the required information in Certemy, WVARR staff will review your professional profile and contact you within 5 business days.

Once this phone conversation has happened, you will receive access to your application for your first dwelling in the Certemy software. The Certification Reviewer assigned to your organization will determine when you can move forward with the other applications. You will submit one application for each address/dwelling your organization operates. All dwellings must meet the minimum requirements for your organization to become WVARR certified.

We ask that you be respectful and professional. Our staff is available Monday- Friday from 9 am – 5 pm. Please do not send text messages to our staff and please do not ask them to call you outside of our normal business hours. 

Step 7: Payment of Affiliate Fees

Once it is confirmed that your application and documentation is complete, WVARR will send you an invoice for your Affiliate Fees. Fees are based on total capacity of all of the residences that you would like to be certified by WVARR. The review includes a one-day on-site review. You are welcome to contact WVARR for a quote prior to submission of your application. All fees are non-refundable.

If approved, your initial application, application fee, and certification will cover one year of certification. After three years of continuous, non-provisional certification, your organization may be eligible for a two-year certification based on performance, complaints, and reliability.

If you submit payment by check, please make checks payable to:

West Virginia Alliance of Recovery Residences

1116 Smith St. Suite 414

Charleston, WV 25301

WVARR Certification Fee Schedule:

You will receive an Invoice for your organization’s annual Affiliate Fee and the estimated cost of your WVARR Certification Fees. This Invoice must be paid before the WVARR Certification Staff begin reviewing your application and documentation. This invoice is not completely comprehensive or a final total cost; there may be additional fees based on indeterminate factors such as final bed counts and how many times WVARR staff will need to do on-site visits of your dwellings (based upon your Quality Improvement Plan).

  • WVARR Annual Affiliate FeeEach organization will be required to pay one flat-rate, annual WVARR Affiliate Fee of $500. This fee is paid once per organization per year, even if the organization has multiple residences. For example, if Recovery House Inc. operates 5 residences, Recovery House Inc. will pay a one-time $500 Affiliate fee which will cover all residences Recovery House Inc. operates.
  • WVARR Annual Certification FeeSee Fee Table Below. The fee is based on the total number of beds operated by the organization. If your organization had 5 residences with 45 beds total, your certification fee would by $700.

*Please be advised that all Annual Certification Fees increased by $25 effective 1/10/2025.*

Bed Count Fee
1-12 beds $300.00
13-20 beds $400.00
21-30 beds $500.00
31-40 beds $600.00
41-50 beds $700.00
51-60 beds $800.00
61-70 beds $900.00
71+ beds $1025.00


  • Multiple County Operation Fee: A supplemental inspection fee of $50 per county of operation will be assessed. For example, if you operate in 3 different counties, a fee of $100 would be added to your fee. If you operate in 5 counties, $200 would be added to your fee. This fee covers the extra time and travel involved for inspecting your residences.
  • Certification Reinstatement Fee: Should a WVARR recovery residence have their certification suspended or revoked for any reason, the residence may be charged a $250 reinstatement fee should they become eligible for reinstatement.

Step 8: Complete Online Application in Certemy

After we receive payment of your fees, your organization may submit an application. You must first speak with a Certification Reviewer to access Certemy and begin your application. The organization responsible for the operations of the residence is the organization that must apply for certification. All residences operated by this organization must apply for the organization to become a WVARR Certified organization.

Each residence will have its own application; please submit policies and procedures that are specific to the population of people who live there and specific to the level of care provided within that particular residence.

These applications must be submitted online through the Certemy platform. You will be required to create an account and a professional profile in order to complete an application.

Click here to watch a brief video overview of the Certemy platform and how to begin your application.

For technical support when submitting your application (issues with the website) you can email support@certemy.com

For questions regarding the content on the application itself, you can email your designated certification reviewer.

The Certification Application will require you to upload copies of specific documentation. The documentation requested will vary depending on the level of housing that you operate, the target population you serve, and the specific services you offer.

You will be required to upload the following documents for your initial application:

  • Recovery Environment Questionnaire
  • NARR Code of Ethics (signed)
  • Certificate of General Liability Insurance
  • Insurance Billing Agreements/MOU with 3rd Party Payer
  • Resident Intake Packet:
    • Resident Application/Evaluation
    • Release of Information
    • Statement of Resident Rights
    • House Rules / Code of Conduct
    • Resident Financial Agreement
    • Refund Policy
    • Personal Property Policy
    • Prohibited Items List and Search Policy
    • Drug Testing Policy
    • Relapse Policy
    • Grievance Policy
    • Good Neighbor Policy
    • Resident Agreement
  • Medication Policies:
    • Prescription Medication Policy
    • Non-Prescription Medication Policy
    • Safe Drug List
    • MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment) Policy
  • Emergency Policies:
    • Medical, Fire, Natural Disaster Policy & Procedure
    • Narcan Policy & Procedure
    • Overdose Policy & Procedure
    • Communicable Disease Policy
  • EBT/SNAP policy and corresponding documents
  • Paid Work Agreements, if any
  • Staffing Policies:
    • Staffing Plan
    • Staff Job Descriptions
    • Confidentiality Policy
    • Staff Background Check policy*
    • Social Media Policies
  • Sample Weekly Schedule of Activities
  • Sex Offender Registry Compliance Policy*
  • Other documents as appropriate for your level of housing, target population, and specific services provided.

*These policies are requirements outlined by WV Code 69-CSR-15.

Please note that any application that remains inactive for 6 months or longer will receive an automatic inactivity denial. While you will receive warnings prior to the denial, any inactive applications will be deleted and your residence or organization will be required to start the application over. 

After you submit your application, a representative from WVARR will review it and any corresponding documents submitted with your application and inform you of the results of this review within 15 business days (about 3 weeks). WVARR will review all submitted documents and will use the documentation checklists to ensure that your submitted documents contain all required elements. WVARR staff will send you a formal communication if we have any questions or require you to submit additional documents with your application. You will receive a WVARR Policy Review Report pertaining to your Administrative Review and corresponding documentation and may be required to make changes or updates based on our review before moving to the next phase of the process.

Once your application has been fully approved, we will schedule an interview (Step 9) with your organization. Following your interview, we will schedule the on-site visits for each residence you operate (Step 10). Based on information gathered during the interview and on-site visit, you may be required to make changes or modifications to the policies submitted in your original application.

If it is determined that your documents are incomplete or do not meet quality standards, you will be allowed an opportunity to make quality improvements (Step 11). A summary of these requirements will be sent to you in writing in your organization’s Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). You will be required to make these modifications and improvements within a specific timeframe. If you are unable to make the improvements within the designated timeframe, your application will lapse and you will be required to restart the process.

Step 9: Organization Interview

After your application has been reviewed and fully approved, representatives from WVARR will schedule an online, video (Zoom, Go-to-Meeting, or another online platform) interview with your organization. The interview will be performed by WVARR’s Certification Review staff. The WVARR reviewers will be available to answer any questions about the quality standards or the review process. Official recommendations will be communicated to you by WVARR staff members at that time.

During the interview you should be prepared to:

  • Describe your application and orientation process and how you screen residents.
  • Describe how you keep track of resident payments.
  • Answer questions about your program, the services you provide, and how you connect residents to outside recovery and community resources.
  • Answer questions about how all of your policies are being implemented in practice.

Step 10: On-Site Inspection and Interviews

Following your interview, WVARR will schedule an on-site visit for each of the residences operated by your organization. WVARR staff will travel on-site to all residences operated by your organization. WVARR staff will send you a Pre-Inspection Checklist prior to your On-Site Visit. We strongly encourage you to walk through all buildings with this checklist and the standards in mind before we visit your facilities.

Your inspection will be performed by WVARR Certification Staff Reviewers. They will ensure that all important topic areas are covered, ensure all paperwork is complete, be available to answer any questions you have about the quality standards, and make any necessary technical recommendations. Your review process is not yet complete at this stage. Staff will not give you a certification determination at this time, as they are prohibited from doing so.

The on-site visit will begin with a brief interview. You will be asked questions about how your program operates and how your organization’s policies and procedures are implemented in practice.

WVARR staff will speak directly with available staff and residents. Resident interviews will be conducted without staff present. Residents will also receive Recovery Home Environment Scales (RHES) which will allow them the opportunity to provide additional information about their experience in the residence.

The reviewers will examine the physical property. Although WVARR reviewers are not fire inspectors or building code inspectors, each residence is expected to comply with all relevant fire and building codes. Reviewers will be examining the recovery environment and ensuring the program meets all physical requirements of the NARR Quality Standards 3.0.

During the on-site review you should be prepared to:

  • Tell the reviewers about your application process and have copies of any documents that you would share with potential residents available.
  • Walk the reviewers through your orientation process and have copies of any documents that you would share with residents available, including an intake packet with updated policies and procedures.
  • Show reviewers where required documents are kept in each of the residences.
  • Explain how you keep track of resident payments and explain how residents may access a statement of account or get a receipt of their payments.
  • Answer questions about your program, the services you provide, and how you connect residents to outside resources.
  • Show the reviewers the property. WVARR will look at all common areas, resident rooms, bathrooms, closets, attics, basements, and any storage or outdoor areas. We are required to open every door and inspect the entire property, so please ensure you have appropriate access to all areas of the residence.
  • Demonstrate that written policies and procedures are being implemented in practice.
  • Demonstrate that the residence is clean, safe, and home-like. Reviewers should be able to see that chores are being completed and that maintenance requests are addressed.
  • Be sure bedrooms meet space requirements (70 square feet for the first person and 50 square feet for each additional person).
  • Demonstrate that the residence has required safety equipment (functional smoke detectors in each sleeping room, CO2 detectors in homes with gas appliances, fire extinguishers with up-to-date inspection tags, appropriate egress).
  • Show that there is adequate food storage space for residents, including one full-sized refrigerator per 5 residents. (5:1)
  • Show that there is one full bathroom (at least one sink, one shower and one toilet) for every 6 residents.
  • Demonstrate that residents have adequate storage space for personal belongings.
  • Demonstrate how the physical environment of the residence contributes to a family-like environment in the home and facilitates the social model of recovery.

Step 11: Implement Required Quality Improvements

After the on-site review, WVARR will provide you with an official Quality Improvement Plan within 15 business days. Every organization that applies for certification will get a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP), even if all requirements are adequately met. Your QIP will include both requirements and suggestions; it will list any changes or quality improvements necessary for your organization to become fully compliant with NARR and WVARR certification requirements, as well as any suggestions our staff may have based on the onsite experience.

You will be required to respond to your Quality Improvement Plan within 20 business days. Acceptable responses to your organization’s Quality Improvement Plan include:

  • Completing the required quality improvement activity and providing appropriate documentation that quality improvement activities have been implemented;
  • Completing all required quality improvement activity within your organization’s current capacity and a timeline and detailed plan of how you are going to meet any additional requirements; or,
  • Providing WVARR with a written response detailing how your organization currently meets the national quality standards without engaging in the required quality improvement activity.

If you do not respond to WVARR within the required timeframe, WVARR will make a certification determination based on the information we have available.

In some cases, WVARR may require a follow-up on-site review to verify quality improvement recommendations have been implemented. Any time an organization is required to remove beds from a residence or repair smoke alarms, a second on-site inspection will be required.


Step 12: Approval

Once WVARR has received a response from your organization concerning any required quality improvements, WVARR staff will make a certification determination. WVARR staff will notify you within 15 business days about your certification determination.

Your organization may be:

  • Fully approved for certification.
  • Provisionally approved for certification, with contingencies.
  • Placed on a Certification Hold, with optional technical support.
  • Be fully denied and eligible to re-apply in 6-months, or other timeframe deemed appropriate by WVARR.

If your organization is fully approved for certification, you will receive a Certificate of Compliance for each WVARR-certified residence that you operate. Each Certificate of Compliance is required to be publicly displayed in the corresponding residence to which it applies.

As required by West Virginia law, each Certificate of Compliance will include:

  • The name of the residence;
  • The business/ Organization name;
  • The number of beds certified in that residence;
  • The specific gender/ population served;
  • The specific residence address;
  • The type of certification (initial, renewal, reinstatement);
  • The NARR Level of Care;
  • The duration of certification for that residence;
  • The date of issue and expiration date of the certification; and,
  • The certificate number.

Step 13: Renewal

All initial WVARR Certifications will be good for one year. It is recommended that you apply for renewal of your certification three months prior to your certification expiring. This will allow for enough time to complete the entire process. If you do not complete the entire process prior to your certification expiring, your certification will lapse.


*Please note:

All formal and informal grievances received will be considered when making certification determinations. Timelines are subject to change if WVARR receives grievances about your organization while you are in the application process and has to conduct an investigation.

Any application that remains inactive for a period of 6 months or longer will be automatically denied and deleted from the system.*